Saturday, May 17, 2014

Hats and Blankets

There is a group at the hospital for the parents of babies lost to miscarriage, stillbirth, SIDS, etc. The woman who is facilitating the group now had a daughter who was stillborn in February of 2010. For remembrance of Hannah's birthday she was collecting blankets to donate to the hospital for other families that go through what we have gone through. We were given blankets at the hospital for Nathaniel, but they weren't really for stillborn babies. They were supposed to be for sick kids, but that was what was available. There isn't much that is given to hospitals for full term, normal size infants. They are supposed to be going home.

Since I crochet, I decided that I was going to make some blankets to donate. It was something I was thinking about doing already, but now I had an easy way to donate them. I already had some little puppy hats made like we had brought to the hospital for Nathaniel. I made a blanket to coordinate with each of the hats. One for a girl, one for a boy, and a gender neutral one. I hope no one ever has to use these hats or blankets, but I realize that is probably not the case.

1 comment:

  1. That is so sweet. My sister-in-law and mother-in-law made blankets and hats for the micro preemies at the hospital Conner and Ben were born at as well. Its a wonderful gesture and a beautiful thing to do in memory of your baby.
