Sunday, November 2, 2014

Late Night Thoughts

It's late. As I was trying to fall asleep I started thinking about Nathaniel and his life.  I couldn't sleep so I thought I would write it out. We'll see if it helps.

For a long time I thought that I didn't have any memories with him, but really I have a lot. Nathaniel didn't ever live outside of me, but he spent every single second of 39 weeks and 4 days with me. In those 277 days he did a lot with me.

Today I was thinking about all that we did last year while I was pregnant with him. We celebrated Mother's Day, my birthday, Father's Day, cousin Sammy's 1st birthday, Grandpa's birthday, Abby's birthday, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. We went to a wedding and a funeral. We flew on airplanes and rode trains and bikes. We went camping and to the beach. We slept in hotels, a camper, a tent, and relative's houses. We saw all the grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins who live far away (most more than once). We went to museums to see art and fish and trains. We picked apples and cherries. We went swimming and played in the snow.

2013 was a big year. We did a lot of stuff and Nathaniel was there for all of it.

In Oklahoma for my Grandpa's funeral
Riding a train to Chicago with "Crazy" to spend the day at the Art Institute
Us and all of our Alaska family on Father's Day
My birthday
On a bike ride in Alaska with all the cousins
Nathaniel hiked a mountain
At Matt and Anoosh's wedding
Grandpa's birthday - the day we told people that Nathaniel was coming
Abby's birthday
Riding a train at the Illinois Railway Museum
Fun in the snow
Having fun with our friend at the Children's Museum
(the last picture I can find when I was still pregnant with Nathaniel, a little over a month before he was born)

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