It snowed enough to play in a few days earlier so for Nathaniel Day I decided that we would go play in the snow somewhere for a while. It turned out that it was really cold that day, but not quite as cold as it had been the past few days (not below zero with windchill) so I asked Abby if she would want to go play in the snow. She was ok with the idea.

By this time I was getting really hungry. We headed back home and started preparing for a tea party. Abby and I made cherry muffins and train shaped sandwiches to go with our tea.
By the time we ate it was about 3 pm. I was so hungry, but it was fun. Nathaniel bear even joined us for part of the tea party.
Dave got home from work, we ate dinner, and then Grandma came over to watch Abby (who had fallen asleep after the tea party and was still sleeping). Dave and I headed to a bookstore that he had found at Christmas time to pick out some books for us to give. We were there for a long time and each ended up getting a couple of fun books.
On the way home we stopped and got ourselves some milk shakes before relieving Grandma. Abby was still sleeping when we got home (and ended up sleeping all night). I think we all had a fun day especially for it being so cold.