Sunday, April 12, 2015


I really didn't want to ever have a c section, but I had one with Nathaniel. It was an all around horrible experience. I did not want to have to go through any of that again with this pregnancy so I was determined that I was going to try for a VBAC.

I had another reason to not want one too, but I didn't share this reason with anyone until after Felicity was born. I didn't want a c section because I didn't want to lose the scar that I have from Nathaniel. It's the only physical reminder that I have that he really did exist. I didn't make it up or imagine it. I know it sounds crazy, but sometimes it feels like I did.

Now Felicity is here. There was lots of c section talk for her whole pregnancy even up until an hour before she was born, but I didn't have to have one. She ended up to be a successful VBAC in the end. I still have my Nathaniel scar and I'm happy about that.

1 comment:

  1. I feel the same way, although with my twins it was the opposite. I had a vaginal delivery with them and a c section with Jordan. I never thought I'd ever need a c section, and I was upset that I had one. I've been told that any other baby I have will be a c section after this. But even though I am sad about that, now I have this experience with the boys that is only for them-to actually actively give birth. I'm glad you have something to remind you of Nathaniel. You were his home for every moment of his life.
