Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Thinking of Going on a Trip

A month or so after Nathaniel was born I was clicking through baby loss websites and came across the Star Legacy Foundation, a non-profit organization working on stillbirth awareness and research. They are having a conference for medical professionals, counselors, and families in a few weeks in Minneapolis. I didn't think of signing up. I don't like going to things like that. They are scary with all the new people and unknown situations. I get anxious just thinking about it.

I was looking at the agenda for the last day of the conference today. A lot of it is for families. I think it could be really helpful. It might be good to meet some other families too. Scary, but good.

Maybe I'll go. Maybe the whole family will.

1 comment:

  1. I think this is a great idea. Plus, it isn't too far away. Maybe you can have a back up plan if you don't end up feeling comfortable at the conference. You can find other things to do in Minneapolis and do that instead. I think it is great that Foundations like this exist.
